Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How to Register Adfly Account [+Payment Proof]

1. Visit http://adf.ly/ (or Click here)
2. Click Join Now

3. Fill out the registration form, click "I agree to the term and conditions", Click "Join"

4. Open your e-mail

5. Paste your confirmation code

You will now be paid for every person that clicks on your AdF.ly link, so you need to give it maximum exposure. The easiest way is if you already own a website, you can 'shrink' URLs already on your website and replace them with AdF.ly links. Then your website visitors click on them, you will earn money.

It doesn't matter if you don't own a website, there are plenty of other ways to get people clicking on your AdF.ly links (without spamming!). Here a few ideas:
  1. Facebook. Got a great website to share with your friends? Shrink it with AdF.ly first.
  2. Forums. If you are helping people out on a forum and giving them the answers they require, shrink any website URLs with AdF.ly and then include them in your post. Be absolutely sure you are not spamming though, otherwise you get your account suspended. Always abide by the forum rules.
  3. Twitter. Do you have a Twitter with lots of followers? AdF.ly is perfect for tweeting links that will earn you money.
  4. Anywhere you normally post links! Use your imagination and paid by us every month.
For now, you can make a withdrawal using the following payment processor:




If your earnings have reached a total of $5.00 or more for the previous month(s). Please note, Payoneer currently has a minimum withdrawal of $10. Please ensure your account ID is correct, otherwise you cannot be paid. If you wish to purposefully miss a payment, you can remove your payment details from your account before the 1st of the month.

Payments are made automatically once per month, providing you have reached the minimum withdrawal amount.

Here are some of my payment proof:

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Cara Kerja Mendapat Uang dari ADFLY

Bagi yang sering mendownload file, tidak asing mendengar kata adfly. Adfly merupakan penyedia layanan iklan yang di sisipkan dalam url, dapat di misalkan seperti sebuah jembatan. Saat kita membuka link adfly sebagai contoh http://adf.ly/NKhGS maka kita akan di bawa ke sebuah halaman. Jika kita perhatikan, ada dua bagian di halaman tersebut. Bagian bawah untuk iklan, sedangkan bagian atas berisi url yang kita tuju.

Bagi yang menggunakan adfly tersebut, maka si pemilik url adfly akan mendapat upah. Sederhana saja, intinya sebagai publisher kita menggiring users untuk melewati halaman iklan adfly dulu sebelum membuka url asli. Tak terlalu lama, cukup 5 detik.

Jika kita berhasil mengundang 1000 pengunjung, kita di beri upah hingga $5/1000 visitor tergantung negara pengunjung. Untuk mencapai 1000 pengunjung sebenarnya tidak susah kok. Misalkan kita punya blog, lalu kita buat post download film, lagu, anime, ebook, dll. Saya ambil contoh kita buat posting tentang Naruto yang berjudul "Download Naruto episode 1-10" lalu kita pasang link 10 episode anime tersebut. Jika kita kedatangan 100 pengunjung yang berniat download dalam sehari saja maka 10 x 100 = 1000 pengunjung. Itu baru 1 posting, jika kita punya 20 postingan atau lebih, tentu akan banyak lagi yang kita dapat.

Kita tidak harus memakai url sendiri, kita bisa mencari alamat download yang sudah siap lalu kita pasang adfly.

Nah, dari ilustrasi tersebut maka sebenarnya tidak susah untuk mendapat uang dari adfly. Jika tertarik ingin mendaftar di adfly klik gambar dibawah ini lalu klik Join Now: